Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Play Dough Chronicles

Hurrah! Micah can now enjoy his play dough without trying to eat it (he quickly discovered that it does NOT taste good). Thanks to Pop and Gigi, Micah now has his very own table for arts & crafts, sensory play and snack time. Our plan is to eventually move it into the kitchen so he can have his own little corner but for now he is enjoying it immensely right where it is. The first time he saw it, he immediately said "Micah sit!"  

Micah's current favorite play dough request is "Teeny Tiny?", which translates into Mom rolling little tiny play dough balls that he then 'smooshes' with his fingers. For some toddler reason, this brings on the giggles. Fortunately, it's an easy request to fulfill! Here he is with some 'teeny-tinies'...


  1. ooooooh, Grammie wants to play teenie tiny, too! Is the play dough homemade? Is it scented? Fun!!!

  2. great hair cut! and clearly some terrific fun creating play dough sculptures!
