Monday, December 10, 2012

we had a terrific weekend of spirited holiday enjoyment and preparation - featuring many a holiday tune, a brunch with friends, the hanging of some lights, ginger bread cookies, and multiple dance moves.

unfortunately, our weekend lacked attentive photo taking so instead we thought we would revisit a little bit of last year's good cheer.

love to all.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

YAY Florida!  Where everyone wears velour!
We had a terrific visit with Micah's Great Grandma. What a gift to have four generations of family (including three great grandkids) together in the same room.  YAY Florida!
"Now, put me in the overhead bin and let's go back!"

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Thanks to Saturday swim class with Dad, Micah is loving the water, which means...bath time has become tons of fun. The other day, we added a splash of baby soap to the water and Micah experienced his first bubble bath. Not quite sure about the relative properties of bubbles, here is Micah trying to figure it all out.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Dog's Life...

Little does Copley know, but Micah is her biggest fan. He lights up every time he sees her (even if it's mid-diaper change - a small miracle). He is learning to be very gentle with her (most of the time...although her ears make pretty attractive pull toys). His new favorite game is to go get her toys from the box and wave them in her face, generally a pretty enticing offer. So much fun to watch a boy and his dog (i.e. small chipmunk).  


Hey! Where are you going??
Let's see if I can't just...
...Yes! I'm in!!!
Wait! Where'd she go? And how do I get out of here?
Well...a boy can always dream.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fall Fun from Our Little Pumpkin

One of Micah's new favorite activities is to sit on the front stoop and navigate the granite steps - up and down, back and forth. He also loves to sit and wave to all the cars that pass by (bonus if it's a big truck or a school bus - "Buh! Buh!"). And he never forgets to take some time to smell the flowers. I actually think his favorite part is pulling the flower bloom off the stem, but he does give it a little sniff before ripping it apart and watching the petals drift to the ground. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I was not eating dirt. Promise.

Our little firetruck...

Micah has been a world of sounds lately - mostly lots of babbling (but it is definitely starting to sound like real sentences), a few words here and there (uhhh - up, doooww - down), animal sounds (dinosaurs, fish and sheep are his favorites). And, I happened to capture this little video the other day of his emergency vehicle impersonations - I'd say he's pretty good!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall Fun!!

It says Micah and that's my name, and I am flying in my flyer . . . don't forget it!

Grampie, did you know the human head weighs 8 pounds?

 How many heads does this one weigh?

Hey, my poop smells like apples.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

We're baaaack!!!

Hello hello everyone! We have officially returned from our grand west coast adventure! What a wonderful trip filled to the brim with love from friends and family!! From Maine to Massachusetts to California to Oregon...Washington and then back to Oregon, Massachusetts and Maine, we have so many exciting stories and fun photos to share so stay tuned...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Striding in Style!

As we mentioned a few days ago, Micah took his first official step (singular) on August 10th but now he is ready for more! I am just amazed at how quickly he is learning to walk - he is clearly VERY interested in being upright and seems pretty confident charging forward. You can almost see his disappointment when he has to crawl somewhere. His new-found mobility has been tricky to catch on camera, even though he walks quite often now. Here's a little glimpse of a few steps to give you an idea!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Throw Back Thursday

Hard to believe this beautiful bump was with us less than a year ago . . .

Saturday, August 18, 2012

sleeping beauties!

a rainy, yet wonderful, day in hallowell today.  micah is down for a snooze. brynn and i are listening to some saturday morning acoustic on the radio, sipping coffee, and quietly celebrating a tranquil morning.

our family is blessed with the riches of laughter, love, and loved ones.  we will take this over the gift of sleeping in anyday (though we wouldn't argue with having all of the above).
happy adventures.
love -jw

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lunch with Uncle Ty (UTI)!

A few weekends ago we had a wonderful impromptu visit from Uncle Tyler & Aunt Julie. Let's just say, Micah was a big say the least. Mealtime was a favorite, in particular.

This guy is hilarious!

Who knew my cup was a magic cup? Every time I shake it, this guys shakes his head. Amazing!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bath Time for Two!

Seriously!? Copley gets to come in the bath with me? 
You are the BEST parents ever!
Seriously!? You just put me in the bath with Micah?

You are the WORST owners ever!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

What a lucky little guy I am to have a Dad like you! I love you!

A big kiss for you!

Today was a big day for our little man - A first step!!! From standing in the middle of the room to Jed's arms - a perfect gift for Jed's birthday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Micah the Martial Artist

We'd like to share Micah's emerging meal-time karate moves. Oh, and we think he also might be part T-Rex....or a gremlin. Regardless, he is definitely enjoying his lunch.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pool Time!

Summer time is officially here and the sun is blazing outside this week in Hallowell! We broke down and got Micah a little pool for some backyard fun. As you can see, he's a big fan. The other day, I put Micah down on the grass to crawl around and he dashed right toward the pool. I just let him crawl in - clothes and all. Copley got in on the fun and the giggles were out of control!

Taking time out for a little cool refreshment! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Will, Graham and Micah row gently down the stream with Pop and Gigi. Nothing like a safe, family boat ride on the lawn!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Micah Meets the Porch!

We have had such a wonderful summer full of visits with family and friends, including many of the most perfect days at Christmas Cove you could imagine. That porch makes the best 'playpen' imaginable. We have many more pictures to share but here are a few to whet the appetite.

Handsome boys relaxing in the morning sun

Flying with Mom

A meal with a view

Trying out my new shoes!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Micah is mobile and on the loose! That Christmas Cove porch, which I know so many of you have enjoyed in the past, was absolutely perfect for Micah to test drive his wheels. I can't tell you how many times he scooted back and forth....and back and forth...and again. With not a moment to spare to admire the view, that boy was movin'!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just reminding you...

My family has had a wonderful but busy, busy couple of weeks and we have lots of photos and adventures to share with you BUT in the meantime, I just wanted to remind you how cute I am. Don't forget it.