Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hey Team,

Wow, it has been a while. I am sorry for being so behind on posts and hope you will continue to visit the page and check in on the adventures. I will continue to get posts up and hope to increase my frequency - I know, you have heard that before.

Things are great in Micah land. He is nine weeks old, two months already . . . unbelievable. He smiles a lot and when he flashes a grin my way, whooooo, truly precious. We are working on settling into some routines and trying to get him on a bit of sleep schedule, at night at least, and find ways for Brynn to have some of her own time - yoga, gym, art - things like that.

We were at Pop and Gigi's place in Andover for Thanksgiving and Micah proudly demonstrated his Wartman heritage by completing his first Feaster Five Road Race - he had a bit of help. It was great to be with family - Pop and Gigi, Uncle Dave and Aunt Katie and cousin Will, and Uncle Tyler and Aunt Julie - AWESOME!

Here are some action shots.

Lots of love

jw, bw, mw

"Let me at 'em! I am ready to roll."
We sprinkled some performance enhancing drugs on his pacifier.

"Leave me alone! Can't you tell I am visualizing."

"Hey Will, this guy is pretty great huh? He likes to dance and sing, he even told me a fart joke - kind of silly, but I dig it."

"Oooh, Gigi or is GG or Geegee, I can't wait until I know how to spell. Keep talking, keep talking, your voice sounds so good!"

"Here's the strategy . . . if I take it easy on Tyler now, make him feel like there is nothing to it, babies are cake, then maybe he'll get me some more cousins. . . got him right where I want him."

"ooooooh, oooooooh, pretty lady, pretty lady, uh oh, here comes the drool . . . sorry, i got carried away"

"wowzers, that spit bubble is huge . . ."

"ok, Thanksgiving, check. What's next, Will?"

"Funny men with beards, ok, ya, sure, like dad."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

aunts and uncles and a cousin!

H is for happy, hungry, hippos, hegemonic, handsome, and Harvard.

Hey Friends,

As most of you know, Brynn and I met while in grad school at Harvard and Brynn's brother, Tyler, is currently a grad student at Yale - so, a family rivalry has begun. And, in that spirit we bundled Micah up, equipped him with a few choice trash talk babbles, and went to New Haven for the Harvard/Yale football game. All the polar bears out there will be glad to know that Micah brought his Bowdoin hat. He gets it.

With Micah man's support the Harvard Crimson triumphed over Handsome Dan, the Bulldog, and the Sons of Eli. The most entertaining feature of the game however was the LARPing halftime show. Yes, Live Action Role Playing - I learned all about it when I worked at MIT. You don't know awkward until you know LARPing, really.

The true highlight of the trip was hanging with uncles and aunts and a cousin. Micah got to meet Uncle Tyler and Aunt Julie, and Tyler's beard, for the first time. Tyler, made terrific chili for dinner, Brynn enjoyed it tremendously, I think Micah had a different opinion. Who knew that all those spices and peppers would keep their fire in breast milk form. Well, they did, Micah had some record breaking farts last night, really remarkable. I wasn't sure if the proper response was sympathy or laughter. I think navigating between these two responses will be an ongoing element of parenting success. I went with a lot of laughter and a little sympathy.

On our way down to New Haven and back we also got to visit with Uncle Dave and Aunt Katie and Will. Great fun hanging with cousin Will!

Micah is sending kisses to all of you!

Lots of love,

jw, bw, mw

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a few thoughts

Um, yes, ah, I have a question . . .

Hey, I said back up! Take that you squirdogmunk!

No more, no more, I am hideous.

I said no more . . .I will squeeze your cuticle until it really hurts . . . yes, I will do it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Micah meets "the family"

hey all,

A wonderful weekend here. Micah took his first road trip down to Boston. We stopped in andover and stayed with Pop and Gigi. Pop played an original piano tune written for Micah - Micah man loved it.

From Andover we went to "Faux Thanksgiving" - note the Gobble Gobble shirt from Grammie - where Micah got to meet lots and lots of his favorite people. It was terrific to be surrounded by so many loved friends of all sizes. Thanks Drew and Libby for bringing us all together!

Micah was so full of love he couldn't bare to close his eyes and miss a moment. He stared, he smiled, he fussed, he cried, he pooped, he ate, he loved it all. And then he slept for five and a half hours straight - whooo!

He can't wait to see everyone again and to meet all those beautiful people out there he still hasn't met!

thanks for visiting.


jw, bw, mw

Sunday, November 6, 2011

BathTime! (adult content)

Hey Oh!

Micah man is doing great! He is talking to us with new sounds and throwing his handsome smile around here and there. He is truly AWESOME!

This past week we moved Micah into his crib and he hasn't noticed a bit. So long as the food keeps coming, and someone bounces him every once in a while he is a content little guy. Brynn and I however, have noticed that he is in his crib. His cooing, farting, and sound making although tremendously cute and comical can also keep you up at night and our sleep deprived bodies don't mind that he is doing all those things in the other room.

We are starting to get into more of a routine. Brynn heads to bed a bit earlier and Micah and I stay up so that she can get a sleep head start. I feed Micah a bottle and then we head up to bed too. Once he is asleep he hopefully sleeps for two or three hours until he needs to feed again.

The string of action shots below is from today's bath. Micah is taking big boy baths these days, and despite the suggestion of some of the precious moments below he generally likes it, especially having his hair washed

love you all!


"Hey! Hey! Are you taking a picture of my butt? Is it rashy? Please, not if it's rashy."

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! How could you do this to me!?!"

"This is wierd . . ."

"I really don't think I like this . . . is it over yet?"

"Whoa, super happy lady. Oh, oh, that's my mom. Ok, I forgive you."

"oh, hi."