Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our Petite Chef de Cuisine

We are finally settling back in to post-holiday life in COLD Maine (A high of 5 degrees tomorrow? Really!? I do not consider 5 to be a 'high' anything - unless we're talking high-fives or restaurant stars). After a battle with colds and a particularly unfriendly stomach bug, we are relatively healthy and finding ways to amuse ourselves as we are relegated to the indoors. One of those amusements (or amuse-bouches, I should say) involves kitchen play - Micah's new favorite activity. Micah is a big helper in the kitchen (he at least is helping Mom's left bicep get nice and strong since he insists on "Uppah!" every time I am cooking.) He also enjoys making his own imaginary creations with pots, pans, spoons, whisks....pretty much anything within his grasp. He can now say "Spatula" although it sounds more like "Salsa", but we get the idea. And, the other day, when the oven timer went off, he promptly grabbed and donned an oven mitt and ran over to the door to check on our biscuits - it was too funny!

The Micah Special - yes, he is actually sitting IN the frying pan
Um, yes...I think it needs a dash of salt


  1. He's taking after his mama! I can't wait until you can actually cook with him...I see an apron from Auntie Robyn in his future!

    P.S. Is he too big to go in the Ergo with the hip carry? Maybe that could save your biceps a bit!

  2. may I order one micah, over easy please.

  3. Yum, I want a helping! Love, Grammie

  4. Micah is one talented young Iron Chef! Rand
