Thursday, November 1, 2012

I was not eating dirt. Promise.


  1. Micah is so cute! I've decided that babies think that the grosser and dirtier the item is...the more tasty it is. Joy would love to suck on the bottom of a shoe all day long. She would definitely eat dirt...

  2. I can't even think of anything clever to say...I just keep laughing at the look on his face. I can't wait to see him again in a couple of months!

  3. He looks like Copley, when she gets caught doing something naughty. That innocent, what? who me? I didn't know any better. BTW, I remember my mother telling me that I LOVED to eat dirt as a toddler. She said she even caught me outside with a spoon gobbling up the good brown stuff! Mom

  4. but it was delicious! whatever it was...
