Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Dog's Life...

Little does Copley know, but Micah is her biggest fan. He lights up every time he sees her (even if it's mid-diaper change - a small miracle). He is learning to be very gentle with her (most of the time...although her ears make pretty attractive pull toys). His new favorite game is to go get her toys from the box and wave them in her face, generally a pretty enticing offer. So much fun to watch a boy and his dog (i.e. small chipmunk).  


Hey! Where are you going??
Let's see if I can't just...
...Yes! I'm in!!!
Wait! Where'd she go? And how do I get out of here?
Well...a boy can always dream.


  1. I can't believe how good she is with him! I only hope Pinkerton will play as nicely with Lyla!

  2. Beans can hardly wait for some of the action. Hope Micah likes bigger chipmunks, too. Rand

  3. such a fun sequence of photos! you do a great job with these - perhaps you could create a children's book...

  4. I am loving all these pictures lately. Your photos and captions really highlight Micah's sparkly personality! Thanks. Mom
