Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lunch with Uncle Ty (UTI)!

A few weekends ago we had a wonderful impromptu visit from Uncle Tyler & Aunt Julie. Let's just say, Micah was a big say the least. Mealtime was a favorite, in particular.

This guy is hilarious!

Who knew my cup was a magic cup? Every time I shake it, this guys shakes his head. Amazing!


  1. Fun to see how Micah has changed since May, when I tried to coax him to eat tiny bits of that flaked/dried grain wafer. I also note that Tyler hasn't changed much since May.

  2. I suppose it would be ridiculous to wish that my son was MY Uncle? I had 7 Uncles, none of whom was even close to being this cool. Bravo, Uncle Ty!!!!
    Love, Mom
