Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pool Time!

Summer time is officially here and the sun is blazing outside this week in Hallowell! We broke down and got Micah a little pool for some backyard fun. As you can see, he's a big fan. The other day, I put Micah down on the grass to crawl around and he dashed right toward the pool. I just let him crawl in - clothes and all. Copley got in on the fun and the giggles were out of control!

Taking time out for a little cool refreshment! 


  1. Swimming with your clothes on and with your favorite pup, is clearly the way to go! What a great time Micah is having - the giggles are contagious!

  2. LOVE the giggles! Glad Micah is willing to share his pool. Brynn, when we lived in Tucson and you were this age, you would get very angry and frustrated when you found Tang sitting in your little pool. The poor pooch was chased out and then went to sitting in the bird bath (really) to cool off. Fun memories.

  3. There is nothing better than baby giggles! Love that kid.
