Micah's development has been off the charts this past week! While he has always been pretty verbal in the babbling sense, he is now learning new words (that actually sound like the real word) every single day. He will now repeat practically any word you ask of him but he is also starting to remember words and use them spontaneously and in context. It is truly thrilling to watch. Besides the basics - ball, milk, bike, apple, book - some of our favorites also include spatula, cinnamon, and vacuum.
He also loves looking through his books and will notice the tiniest little details and remember where they are the next time we look through them. His current favorite morning ritual (per his request) is to sit in the glider with his favorite bear, Bingo, and a blanket and read books - he even will show Bingo the pictures. It is so incredible to watch learning happen right before your eyes. He must have been on the cusp of talking and now he is ready to open his mouth and let the words fly. While we haven't been able to capture many of his words on video (still working on that) here is a clip that shows another huge development this week - eating with a spoon! He's been making attempts for a while now but it seems he is really grasping the concept. He is also doing some pretty incredible flavor mixing - noodles dipped in yogurt? Yum!
I know I may seem overly excited about these milestones but I just marvel at our little baby becoming such a big, independent spirit. An amazingly fun journey to witness.